Saturday, July 21, 2007

namokar jayotish

This is jain jayotish research center.


Unknown said...

hi, this is goods link, but you should be update regulary.
piyoosh jain

raams said...


Namokar is different site. Pl. include Jain Mantras/Stotras for all Planets, different Remedial purposes, Imp. Jain Mantras, Jain Mantra/Stotras/Yantras etc. fo daily purpose, and any other imp infos as well

Ramesh Anand

Anonymous said...

My dear Manoj,
this is very useful to the learners. Please suggest various books for reference of the subject.Try to start giving lessons to the interested candidates who are interested in learning KP method of predictions. Please try to provide daily Horoscope to the viewers on their request.

Anonymous said...

My dear Manoj,
this is very useful to the learners. Please suggest various books for reference of the subject.Try to start giving lessons to the interested candidates who are interested in learning KP method of predictions. Please try to provide daily Horoscope to the viewers on their request.

Yours Humanly,