Practical aspects of Astrology
Vedas are the oldest, the most authentic and the most sacred scriptures to understand the mysteries of nature. According to Maxmuller, a renowned German scholar of the Vedas, 'Vedas are oldest books in the library of the world.' To understand the meaning of these Vedas, our Rishis, Maharathis have categorised the Vedas into six parts. Astrology is one of them and considered as the sixth sense which helps one to see all the unseen objects and the future events of the world.
Even Astrology is divided into three parts or subdivision :THEORY (Siddhant). SAMHITA. JATAKA.
Siddhant helps us to understand the good and evil results (effects), with the help of minute arithmetic calculations related to rising and setting of the planets, Nakshatras, stars, Rashis, the combination of planets (grahayoga), grahayudha and the eclipse of the Moon and the Sun.
Samhita means the good and evil effects, which occur due to the combination of the planets, day and night transitions and seasonal transitions that affect the whole world.
Jataka means the good and evil effects which occur during the transmigration of a soul through 84 lakh yonis, and the effects which the Isht, Lagna, Graha (planets) Nakshatras, have on the joy, sorrow, gain-loss, destiny and age.
Our most revered sages imagined about the planetary orbits by doing penance and Yoga for a long time. They also observed the motion of these heavenly bodies through a distinct and well-marked path in the sky which contains twelve zodiac signs. These twelve zodiac signs of the solar system are established in the twelve parts of our body.
They are as follows:
Forehead - Aries (Mesh)
Mouth - Taurus (Vrishabh)
Chest area -Gemini (Mithun)
Heart - Cancer (Karka)
Stomach -Leo (Simha)
Waist -Virgo (Kanya)
Bladder - Libra (Tula)
Sex organ - Scorpio (Vrishchik)
Thighs - Sagittarius (Dhanu)
Knees - Capricorn (Makara)
Calf of leg - Aquarius (Kumbha)
Feet - Pisces (Meena)
The planets traveling in twelve zodiac signs have affect on the following:
The Sun has effect on - Soul (Aatma)
The Moon has effects on - Mind (Mana)
The Mars has effects on - Patience (Dhairya)
The Mercury has effects on - Voice (Vaani)
The Jupiter has effects on - Reasoning (Viveka)
The Venus has effect on - Sperms (Virya)
The Saturn has effect on - Sensitivity (Samvedana)
This implies that, the position of the seven planets and the twelve Zodiac signs are well established within our body.
The above mentioned organs and parts of the body are greatly influenced by the planets of the solar system and their movement.
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