Friday, August 13, 2010


I am VEDIC-KP Indian astrologer Manoj Jain from jaipur known as ``Pink City``. I earned Degree in bachelor in sciences and Diploma in pharmacy from Rajasthan University, CIC from IGNOU, Jyotish Prabhker and Jyotish Rishi from All India Federations Of Astrologers Societies..
I am practicing in ``Stellar KP System and Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu. My work is Horoscope analysis to predict major events of life i.e. marriage, child birth,carrier, job. With the help of Vedic / KP Astrology System. From last four years my work area is mainly on financial astrology. With the help of financial astrology I make first trade horoscope of particular company , to go back in price history of company to determine what astrological influences have caused the stock’s price to go ups or downs this may help to predict the future movement of stock.In Vedic astrology the Horoscope represents the karmic map i.e. One has to repay for all his deeds he has done in his life because ``Heavens or devils`` is always ready to repay the results of own deeds. Astrology is only way to reduce our deeds as one can not change his destiny only with the help astrology we can minimize our sins but we should be always ready to face our results. As astrology suggests the best possible Vedic remedy by Vastu,Tantra,Mantra and Gems.

with regards